Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winter Shines

Went down to the Farmer's Market area where they have several ice sculptures going for the annual WinterShines event, as well as some aboriginal snow sculptures that were in progress. This year they have some of the ice sculptures under a tent where it is impossible to get a good picture, well maybe not impossible, but you'd have to know what you're doing. Afterward we went for lunch on Broadway and by the time we drove past on the way back, this place was packed with families and kids going down the ice slide.


  1. oh wow I would love to get some photos of the ice sculptures - but they are hard to photograph - flash goes right through them.
    But I like the 'sun' against the sky in this photo.

  2. Yah, go and get some good pics before they get smashed and/or melted. It's too bad they have that tent over some of them.
