Sunday, February 14, 2010

Back to the ol' drawing board

Dug out the old paints and tried painting today. Not at all happy with the results. So disappointed with myself....Granted I am way out of practice. I find myself wondering, is it these paints? Acrylic does not blend as well as oil, although Bateman does fine with it! Is it the paper? Is it the brushes? I no longer seem to have the high quality products anymore...the kids ruined my expensive brushes when they were little, later when I got more, the dog ate those ones....I need some classes!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks like I can't spell....
    I will try again...
    Blogger Julie Cortens said...

    I like the colours. Keep at it - if you enjoy painting then just keep painting.
    And splurge on some new brushes.
