Thursday, November 26, 2009

More than 2 leaves and a leaf bud

My mom brought me up this gorgeous coleus plant a few weeks back. Unfortuneately I do not have a green thumb, and it has suffered from dehydration in the last few days. So it is losing some leaves and some of the smaller leaf buds as well. However it rather looks like I imagine a tea plant to look, with a little pink flush on the leaves. This particular variety is called russet. As to why the phrase 'two leaves and a bud' is bandied about so much, it actually refers to the picking of the leaves. The topmost inch, consisting of the proverbial 2 leaves and a leaf bud, is what they snap off to make our tea. It takes 22,000 of these to make a kg of tea! oh and by the way, the painting in the background is an oil I did when I was 20. That is a very long time ago!!! The inside frame has been painted a few times to match the walls, but the last time I did this, I rather botched it. (I used acrylic, bad choice). So next time I paint the kitchen, I'll change it again.

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you bring that Coleus into the office and ask Bev to keep an eye on it. We need more greenery in there.
    And that's a lot of pickin for a cup of tea!
