Monday, March 15, 2010

Will and Grace

Operating on sheer willpower alone can compensate for shortcomings in other areas, but I think if you do this long enough, you damage your will centres. Spring your will chakras, just like you overload your adrenals and burn them out..In my case to my surprise my will centres were huge and fast, when they were tested, which I thought was odd, because I feel I have no will/power. Not exactly eye opening. Not healthy.

This changed a couple of weeks ago but it did not last for me. I can only describe it as coming from the Creator, from Spirit, or the Universe, whatever name you choose. I had a "moment" where I felt like I got this big brainwave that I should learn to play the fiddle. Ha! I was never drawn to it in the past. Drawn to the music, yes, but not to learn to play. It was not the usual idle idea...this had something backing it! And at the same time I had great resolve in sticking to a diet, but I lost that too. One could say, so what, people get these motivations/ideas all the time. True, but this was different. And how was it that an art teacher happened to be in the same aisle as me at an odd time of the day..and we got now I have an art teacher lined up for later.....But then, this feeling of grace I left me. Then what is left is doubt, doubt that I can learn to play the fiddle, doubt that I am supposed to learn to be an acupuncturist....but yet there is that underpinning of knowing involved...and what else is left?

1 comment:

  1. Negative forces just trying to take your grace away - ignor them!
    Play that fiddle!! I look forward to your first concert. AND your first art show.
    You gotta dream!
    Then make those dreams come true. It's what gives us energy!
