Sunday, December 6, 2009

Don't Look Back

Live Each Day tothe Fullest. (author unknown) (first 2 verses)

Live each day to the fullest. Get the most from each hour, each day, and each age of your life. Then you can look forward with confidence and back without regrets.

Be yourself - but be your best self. Dare to be different and to follow your own star.

I love this poem for its simplistic message of happiness and its a great reminder to not waste the gift of life. The last line reads "Act as if everything depended upon you, and pray as if everything depended on God". I have it hanging in my bathroom in a frame. My friend actually found it behind her house by the dumpster one day when I was at her place. So I snagged it and took it home and cleaned it and have it hanging in my bathroom. So the "don't look back" part brings me to this pillar of selenite, which I absolutely love and I got it for a song at Charter House. Well it really was a more like a symphony, but a fraction of the price you'd pay for it at a crystal shop. Selenite is known for its peaceful qualities. I keep it on my nightstand with my other crystals.

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