Couple weeks back, whilst out and aboot with the fam, we stopped at the Crazy Cactus for lunch. Ah, I spied a Comet Caliente, probably a 67, parked in front and I got a pic of meself in front of it. Unfortunatley, it seems I accidently deleted it so I had to copy another. This is more like the one I used to ride around in, with Terry Sinclair, but his was jacked up and painted metallic blue. Sweet ride. Btw, the Cactus is no longer a sweet place to eat. With jacked up prices and the owner serving as well as cooking, service is deplorable. And, just how much tacky can a person take. We left and so did the owner of the Comet without me getting a good look at him. sad to say....who knows maybe it was Terry....wonder if he knows there is a woman with the same name.....wonder if he still can still sing like Fogerty...."I can sing remember the old hound dog...chasing down a hoodoo there....born on the bayou...."